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China CFDA Permitted Food Additives Search Analysis System
China CFDA Permitted Food Additives    Colors   Flavors  Nutritional Supplements
All foreign food facility and exporter need AQSIQ register; Prepackaged food need CIQ chinese label filing; Special food need CFDA registration, such as Dietary Supplements (Health food), Infant formula, FSMP etc. Animal Feed (Inc Dog,Cat food), GMO need MOA register; Diary,Meat,Aquatic products manufacturer need CNCA registration; And all food ingredients should be the CFDA permitted ingredients, food products quality need meet the requirements of Food Safety GB standards.
  •  China CFDA Permitted Food Additives :Flavor
  • Code Food Additive Name Chinese Name Source Function Content Limit %
    3656 L-Aspartic acid L-Ì춬°±Ëá Synthetic Food Flavor
    3056 Tetrahydro furfuryl alcohol ËÄÇâ¿·´¼ Synthetic Food Flavor
    4080 l-Bornyl acetate ÒÒËál-ÁúÄÔõ¥ Synthetic Food Flavor
    2877 Phenylacetaldehyde glyceryl acetal ±½ÒÒÈ©¸ÊÓÍËõÈ© Synthetic Food Flavor
    2625 Lemon oil [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f.] ÄûÃÊÓÍ Natural Food Flavor
    3899 Sarcodactylis oil (Citrus medica var.Sarcodactylis Swingle) ·ðÊÖÓÍ Natural Food Flavor
    3075 p-Tolyl isobutyrate Ò춡Ëá¶Ô-¼×·Óõ¥ Synthetic Food Flavor
    2950 Isopropyl hexanoate ¼ºËáÒì±ûõ¥ Synthetic Food Flavor
    2049 Ambergris tincture ÁúÏÑÏãôú Natural Food Flavor
    2907 Pine tar oil (Pinus spp.) Ëɽ¹ÓÍ Natural Food Flavor
    2304 Citral diethyl acetal ÄûÃÊÈ©¶þÒÒËõÈ© Synthetic Food Flavor
    2628 Licorice extract (Glycyrrhiza spp.) ¸Ê²ÝÁ÷½þ¸à Natural Food Flavor
    3846 Litsea cubeba berry oil ɽ²Ô×ÑÓÍ Natural Food Flavor
    3536 Dimethyl disulfide ¶þ¼×»ù¶þÁòÃÑ Synthetic Food Flavor
    ¡ª Tamarind extract (Tamarindus indica L.) ÂÞÍû×ÓÌáÈ¡Îï(½þ¸à) Natural Food Flavor
    3552 Isojasmone ÒìÜÔÀòͪ Synthetic Food Flavor
    2952 3-Propylidenephthalide 3-±û²æ±½Ìª Synthetic Food Flavor
    2457 Ethyl pyruvate ±ûͪËáÒÒõ¥ Synthetic Food Flavor
    2966 Pyridine ßÁठSynthetic Food Flavor
    2659 Marjoram oleoresin/extract [Majorana hortensis Moench (Origanum majorana L.)] ¸ÊÅ£ÖÁÓÍÊ÷Ö¬/ÌáÈ¡Îï Natural Food Flavor
    ¡ª Cedarwood oil terpenes °ØľÓÍÝÆÏ© Natural Food Flavor
    3810 Diethyl butanedioate (Momo-menthyl succinate) ¶¡¶þËáµ¥±¡ºÉõ¥(ÓÖÃûçúçêËáµ¥±¡ºÉõ¥) Synthetic Food Flavor
    ¡ª Mustard extract, brown (Brassica spp.) ×ؽæÄ©ÌáÈ¡Îï Natural Food Flavor
    2690 Methyl p-tert-butylphenylacetate ¶Ô-Ê嶡»ù±½ÒÒËá¼×õ¥ Synthetic Food Flavor
    3452 Dodecyl isobutyrate Ò춡ËáÊ®¶þõ¥ Synthetic Food Flavor
    2126 Beeswax absolute (Apis mellifera L.) ·äÀ¯¾»ÓÍ Natural Food Flavor
    3677 Ethyl 3-mercaptopropionate 3-ÛÏ»ù±ûËáÒÒõ¥ Synthetic Food Flavor
    ¡ª Toushi oleoresin (Douchi oleoresin) ¶¹ôùÓÍÊ÷Ö¬ Natural Food Flavor
    3838 Ethylvanillin propylene glycol acetal ÒÒ»ùÏãÀ¼ËØ1,2-±û¶þ´¼ËõÈ© Synthetic Food Flavor
    3641 Ethyl trans-2-decenoate ·´Ê½-2-¹ïÏ©ËáÒÒõ¥ Synthetic Food Flavor
    Alphabet Shortcut:   A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | G | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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