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Foreign Meat production enterprises CNCA / AQSIQ registration

All foreign production enterprises exporting meat to China (including all kinds of poultry and other meat products, as well as edible by-products and entrails) are required to apply for registration with the Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA).

Food products of foreign production enterprises not registered are banned from importation.

According to three regulations, namely the Import and Export Animal and Plant Quarantine Law and its implementing regulations, the Food Hygiene Law, Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law, and Regulations on the Administration of Registration of Foreign Production Enterprises of Imported Food, all registered foreign production enterprises must carry out the various stages of approval for eventual trade.

That includes the production, processing and storage of meats exported to China under the supervision of the competent departments in their resident country (region), and must mark the registration number approved by CNCA on the packaging of approved products.

When the products of registered foreign production enterprises are imported into China, they must be inspected and quarantined by China?ˉs entry/exit inspection and quarantine department.

Products failing inspection and quarantine would be returned, destroyed or hygienically treated in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations of China. Serious incidents could even result in the deregistration of the enterprises concerned.

The registration number of the foreign production enterprise is exclusive and may not be transferred to any third party for use. Should any registered foreign production enterprise be found to have exported products to China which are not its own nor have transferred its registration number to another enterprise, CNCA would revoke its registration.

Should any international organisation or the relevant department of the exporting country issue an epidemic notice, or the imported products be found to be infected during inspection and quarantine, or serious incidents of public health hazard occur, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) would suspend the import of all related products from the country concerned by means of issuing a public notice.

I.  Criteria for applying for registration of a foreign production enterprise of imported meats

1.The veterinary system and the public health administration system of the resident country of the foreign production enterprise applying for registration must be appraised and approved by CNCA.

2.The resident country of the foreign production enterprise applying for registration must be a non-epidemic area, and must provide the necessary information proving that all the meats exported to China come from a non-affected area.

3.The foreign production enterprise applying for registration must be an enterprise approved and supervised by the competent department of its resident country, and its hygiene conditions must comply with the provisions in the relevant laws, regulations and standards of China.

II.    Application procedures

1.The applicant should apply to CNCA with required materials

2.CNCA will decide whether or not it will accept the application based on whether the materials submitted are complete and whether they comply with the official format; it then issues a written confirmation.

3.Once the application is accepted, CNCA conducts a thorough examination of the application materials submitted. If the materials are found to meet requirements, an assessment team would be sent to the foreign production enterprise in question to conduct an on-site assessment, after which an assessment report is submitted to CNCA.

CNCA would review the application materials and assessment report and would make a decision on whether or not approval is granted. If approval is granted, an announcement would be made within 10 days. If approval is not granted, a written notice stating the reasons would be served. Foreign production enterprises meeting requirements and granted approval by CNCA would be registered.  

III.  Main CNCA application documents list:

1.Written information on any animal and plant epidemics in the home country (region); laws and regulations on veterinary health, public health, plant protection, and pesticide and veterinary drug residues control; establishment and staffing of the competent department in the resident country (region); and the effectiveness of law and regulation enforcement;

2.List of foreign production enterprises applying for registration;

3.Assessment reports on the quarantine and public health conditions of the enterprise concerned prepared by the competent department in its resident country (region);

4.Confirmation made by the competent department in the resident country (region) that the enterprise concerned meets the requirements of China?ˉs laws and regulations;

5.Relevant information on the enterprise (factory location, workshop, cold storage floor plan, process flow chart etc).


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Important Note
Due to the reorganization of the Chinese government in 2018,
CFDA (China Food and Drug Administration) was renamed to NMPA (National Medical Product Administration), and its food supervision function has been transferred to SAMR (State Administration for Market Regulation of China);
GACC (General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China) was abolished, and its import and export trade supervision function has been transferred to GACC (General Administration of Customs of China),
Therefore, all
CFDA and SFDA on this website default to NMPA, GACC defaults to GACC; 
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