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Foreign Meat Food Manufacturers China CNCA /AQSIQ Registration Procedure Flow Chart

Foreign Meat Food Manufacturers China CNCA /AQSIQ Registration Procedure Flow Chart
Applicant Entrust a China Responsibility Agent (CRA)
Note: CRA isn't a distributor of Applicant
CRA guide Applicant prepare original Legal & Technical application files
Time: 2-4 weeks¡¡

CRA translate, Pre-view the original Legal & Technical files,
and guide Applicant modify non-compliant files until meet the requirements of CNCA
Time:1-3 months
 Applicant submit CNCA Application to Country of Origin Regulatory Authority
Time: depend on the Origin Regulatory Authority
Country of Origin Regulatory Authority Preliminary examination
the Application documents and recommend to CNCA
Time: depend on the Origin Regulatory Authority,
CNCA Evaluate the Application Documents of Applicant
Time:2-4 months
CNCA Site-audit the Applicant's production facility
Time:3-12 months, depend on the CNCA,
CNCA approval the application and issue registration No. to the Applicant
Time: 2-4 weeks

CNCA: Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People¡¯s Republic of China
AQSIQ: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

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